Zoll AED 3 Fully Automatic Defibrillator ,EA
SKU: 4708501-001102-06
While only 50% of sudden cardiac arrest victims will initially need a shock, 100% will require CPR to increase the flow of oxygenated blood to the heart and brain. A ZOLL AED 3 device with Real CPR Help lets rescuers know if they are doing compressions at the most effective rate and depth. iI provides rescuers with visual and audio prompts to “Push Harder” or will let them know when they are doing “Good Compressions,” keeping rescuers on track to administer high-quality CPR.
- CPR Uni-padz™ electrode pads are for both adult and pediatric victims of SCA and have a 5-year shelf life
- The smart battery lasts up to five years once installed and costs less than half the price of competitive smart batteries.
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